Product performance is affected by many factors, including storage, method and conditions of application and use. User testing is ESSENTIAL to determine 
suitability of product for intended method of application and use. Target’s SOLE WARRANTY is that the product has been manufactured to specifications. No oral 
or written information or advice shall increase this warranty or create new warranties. Target’s SOLE LIABILITY is to replace product proved defective. In no event 
shall Target be liable for any consequential, indirect or other damages whether arising from negligence or otherwise. 

TARGET is a registered trade-mark of Quikrete Canada Holdings, Limited. Target Products Ltd. is an authorized licensee.



August, 2017   Page 1 of 1 





 Coarse California Tan Nursery Grit is a well-graded, 

processed sand produced from California sources. It contains 
mainly natural, sub-rounded to sub-angular particles in the No. 
8 to No. 1/4” sieve (2 to 6 mm) size range. Foreign material and 
dust are removed in a high temperature drying process and by 



TARGET Coarse California Tan Nursery Grit is suitable for 
seed and planting operations requiring a clean, free-draining 
sand. Current cultural practices show that most tree species 
benefit from a grit cover after sowing. The required thickness of 
this cover varies, but in general the cover depth should not 
exceed 1/4" (6 mm) for small-seeded species and 3/8" (9 mm) 
for large-seeded species 

The main function of the grit is to keep the seed anchored during germination. The cover 
also protects the seed from direct sunlight and aids the moisture retention necessary for 
germination. Because it is dry, dense, and evenly graded, TARGET Coarse California 
Tan Nursery Grit is easily applied and anchors the seed well. Water and air are readily 
able to penetrate the sand, but moss and algae growth and the resultant adverse effects 
on germination and seedling growth are inhibited by the relatively inert sand particles. 
Crusting, which hinders water penetration, does not occur to any significant extent with 
TARGET Coarse California Tan Nursery Grit. Significant crusting often occurs with 
poorly graded sands. Perlite and vermiculite have proven to be poor seed covering 
materials because they have a light density and tend to blow off. 

Because TARGET Coarse California Tan Nursery Grit is chemically neutral it does not 
interfere with seedling nutrition programs. 



Grain Shape 


Bulk Density 


100 lb/ft


    (1602 kg/m


Hardness, Moh 


6 - 6.5 

Specific Gravity 


Moisture Content 

<0.1% weight 



TARGET Coarse California Tan Nursery Grit is available in 50 lb multi-wall paper 
bags and 3000 lb bulk bags


California Tan Grit